Omnknown Terms of Service

Omnknown Terms of Service Agreement with Notice and Ad Posters, Subscribers and Users of the Website

2.21.20 Version

Also, read about Omnknown's Accepted and Prohibited Practices is owned by, LLC, a Texas limited liability company (collectively hereinafter “Omnknown”).’s Terms of Service

Omnknown builds Platforms, technologies and Services that enable people to connect with each other, build communities, make money, and grow businesses. These Terms govern your use of Omnknown, and its Platforms, Products, and Services and any other related features, apps, technologies, software, and systems, without limitation, that we offer, except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These Platforms, Products, Services and Systems are provided to you by Omnknown (collectively hereinafter, “ Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services” or just “Platforms, Products and Services” ).

Except for the charge or charges for posting a notice(s) or subscriptions for monitoring and being notified of certain types of notices you or your organization or business want to follow, we don’t charge you to use (e.g., view notices or ads posted on Omnknown through your own searches there) Omnknown or the Platforms, Products and Services, without limitation, covered by these Terms. Note that individuals, businesses and organizations pay us to show you ads for their products and services. By using our Platforms, Products and Services, you agree that we can show you ads that we think will be of relevant to you and your interests. We use your personal data to help determine which ads to show you.

We don’t sell your personal data to advertisers, and we don’t share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address or other contact information) with advertisers unless you give us specific permission. Instead, advertisers can tell us things like the kind of audience they want to see their ads, and we show those ads to people who may be interested. We provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads that help them understand how people are interacting with their content. We do sell non-specific and non-private data about our users, the type of postings they make or type of notices and ads they typically post, but a third party cannot see or know who the specific person or entity posting the notice(s) is or are.

The Omnknown Data and Privacy Policy (found elsewhere on our site) explains how we collect, protect and use your personal data to determine some of the ads you see and provide all of the other Platforms, Products and Services described below. You can also go to your settings at any time to review the privacy choices you have about how we use your data.

1. The Platforms, Products and Services Omnknown provides

Omnknown is a platform where people and organizations can post notices, ads or information to the public. Additionally, in the near future, you will be able to be notified of notices others post from people and organizations you wish to follow or whose published (through their notices) activities you wish to follow, if you pay a modest subscription fee. On the Omnknown website, we provide the Platforms, and Products described below to you:

We use the data we have - for example, about the notices, ads and postings you make, the choices and settings you select, and what you share and do on and off our Platforms, Products and Services - to personalize your experience and to improve our platform.

Follow types of notices, people posting notices organizations who post notices relevant to you:

We help you find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that matter to you across the Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services you use by the rollout of a subscription feature to be able to be informed when certain types of notices and notices relating to certain people or organizations in which you or your company has an interest, are posted. We may use the data we have to make suggestions for you and others - for example, groups to join, events to attend that might interest you, pages to follow or send a message to, shows to watch, and people and businesses you may want to connect with. Synergistic connections make for better business and personal communities, and we believe our Platforms, Products and Services are most useful when people are connected to people, groups, and organizations they care about or with whom they share business and personal interests.

Omnknown helps post and, if you subscribe, get push alerts to discover, notices, ads, products, and services that may interest you or your organization:

We also show you ads, offers, and other sponsored content to help you discover content, products, and services that are offered by the many people, businesses, and organizations that use Omnknown’s Platforms, Products and Services.

Omnknown is dedicated to combating harmful conduct and posted content, and protecting and supporting its users, its notice posters, and subscribers and persons and organizations visiting the site to view notices and ads in certain categories.

People will only use Omnknown if they feel safe. We employ people and measures and find or develop advanced technical systems to detect misuse of our Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services, and harmful conduct towards others, and situations where we may be able to help support or protect our community. If we learn of content or conduct like this --- and we strongly urge Omnknown users to report to us any misuse of posting notices or ads on or using Platforms, Products and Services of Omnknown, and we will take appropriate action once we become aware of such misuse. For example, the actions we may take may include but will not be limited to, offering help, removing content, removing or restricting access to certain features, disabling an account, or contacting law enforcement. We share data with other Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services and related entities when we detect misuse or harmful conduct by someone misusing the notice or ad facility of the site or misusing one of our Platforms or Products.

The Use and develop advanced technologies to provide safe and functional Services for everyone:

We may use and develop advanced technologies - such as artificial intelligence, machine learning systems, and augmented reality - so that people can use our Platforms, Services, and Products safely regardless of physical ability or geographic location.

We also are committed, as able, to build sophisticated network and communication technology to help more people connect to the internet in areas with limited access. And we plan to develop automated systems to improve our ability to detect and remove abusive and dangerous activity that may harm our community and the integrity of our Platforms, Services, and Products.

Omnknown, on an ongoing basis, researches ways to make our Platforms, Products and Services better:

We engage in research to develop, test, and improve our Platforms, Products and Services. This research includes analyzing the data we have about our users and understanding how people use our Platforms, Services, and Products, for example by conducting surveys and testing and troubleshooting existing and new features. Our Data and Privacy Policy explains how we use data to support this research for the purposes of developing and improving our Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services.

We strive to provide consistent and seamless experiences across the Omnknown Platform, Platforms, Products and Services:

Our Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services help you give notice to or of events and happenings to the public, find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that are important to you and your business. We design our systems so that your experience is the best we can provide across the different Omknown Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services that you use.

Enable global access to Omknown Platforms Platforms, Products and Services:

To operate our Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services, we need to store and distribute content and data in our data centers and systems that will be located, as we scale, around the world, including outside your country of residence. This infrastructure may be operated or controlled by, LLC or its other domestic and/or foreign-based affiliates.

2. How our Services are funded

The notices that you post on Omknown, either through using the Omnknown templates and just filling them in or by uploading a pdf notice you or your organization has already prepared, are paid for with a one-time payment for the term the notice is posted on Omnknown. A feature we have in development to be rolled out within the next eighteen months, which will allow Omnknown users to be notified of certain types of postings or postings by a specific business, organization or individual on Omnknown, for which subscription service there will be a yearly subscription cost. Beyond those two paid Products and Services on Omnknown, you may use the other Products and Services on Omnknown and by using the any or all of the Omnknown Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services covered by that use including posting notices, subscribing to follow notices of certain people and organizations, you thereby agree that you will abide by these Terms of Services and Omnknown’s Data and Privacy Policy, and other policies and rules, without limitation, including agreeing that Omknknown can show you ads that businesses, organizations and individuals pay us to promote on and off the Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services. We use your personal and/or organizational data, such as information about your activity and interests, to show you ads that are more relevant to you.

Protecting people’s and organizations’ privacy is central to how we've designed our system for posting notices and ads, and providing subscriber alerts of notices and ads of interest to you, if you are a subscriber. This means that we can show you relevant and useful ads without telling advertisers and third party affiliates and providers who you are. We don't sell your personal data. We allow advertisers to tell us things like their business goal, and the kind of audience they want to see their ads (for example, people between the age of 18-45 who like concerts, without limitation). We then show their ad to users, posters and subscribers who might be interested.

We also provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads to help them understand how people and organizations are interacting with their content on and off Omnknown. For example, we provide general demographic and interest information to advertisers (for example, that an ad was seen by a woman between the ages of 25 and 40 who lives in Minnesota and is involved with and likes design and marketing matters) to help advertisers to better understand their audience. We don’t share information that directly identifies you or your organization (information such as your name, address, phone, or email address that by itself can be used to contact you or identifies who you or your organization are) unless you give us specific permission to do so and you are not compelled to do so.

We collect and use your personal data internally in order to provide the Platforms, Products and Services described above or available on our Platforms, Products and Services as described more fully in the Omnknown Data and Privacy Policy found on our website.

3. Your Commitments to Omnknown, Our Posters, Subscribers and Users by Your Posting, Subscription and/or Use

We provide the Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services, without limitation, to you, your organization, our posters, subscribers, users, and others to help advance our business mission. In exchange, by your use of any aspect or facility of Omnknown, you make the following commitments and agreements:

  1. Who can use Omnknown

When people truthfully stand behind their content, identifications and actions, Omnknown is more effective for all, safer and more accountable. For this reason, you must:

  • Use the same name that you or your organization uses in everyday life.

  • Provide accurate information in your account, posts, notices, ads and subscriptions.

  • Create only one account per person and/or business (both of which you must have authority to create for the person or business or organization stated).

  • Not share your password, give access to your Omnknown account to others, or transfer your account to anyone else (without our explicit permission by writing which shall include on your end accurate information and in turn receive email notified permission from us).

  • Not post an notice or ad whose content violates any patent, copyright or trademark laws of the U.S. or any sovereign nation.

We try to make Omnknown broadly available to every person and business (profit or nonprofit), but you cannot use Omnknown if:

  • You are under 13 years old.

  • You are a convicted sex offender; or have been convicted of violations of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or violations of the U.S. Federal Election laws, without limitation.

  • We've previously disabled your account for violations of our Terms of Service, Data and Privacy Policy or other policies or state or federal laws.

  • You are prohibited from using our Platforms or receiving our Products, Services, or software under any applicable laws.

  • You are a known member of a designated domestic or international or foreign terrorist organization or a known, unknown or convicted spy or operative for a foreign government who is an enemy of the U.S. government as designated by one or more of the following: the U.S. FBI, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. National Security Agency, or Interpol, without limitation.

2. What you can share and do on Omnknown:

We want people to use Omnknown to promote their for-profit business efforts and nonprofit charitable activities and offerings, and to express themselves and to share content that is important to them, but not at the expense of the safety and well-being of others or the integrity of our community. You therefore agree not to engage in the conduct described below (or to facilitate or support others in doing so):

  1. You may not use Omnknown’s Platforms, Services or Products to do or share anything:

    • That violates these Terms, any applicable laws, and other terms and policies that apply to your use of Omnknown and its Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services.

    • That is unlawful, misleading, covert, discriminatory, harassing, sexually harassing, explicitly pornographic, intimidating, stated in inappropriate language (i.e. language that includes curse words, graphically sexual descriptors, hateful, racist, homophobic or violent language, without limitation), bullying, seeking to influence the democratic voting or election process of any country, or is criminal or fraudulent.

    • That infringes or violates someone else's rights, including, without limitation, their intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, their images, confidential information, HIPAA protected medical information, etc.

  1. You may not upload viruses or malicious code or do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of Omnknown’s Platforms, Services and/or Products, or those of Omnknown’s posters, subscribers, users or advertisers on Omnknown.

  1. You may not access or collect data from Omnknown’s Platforms, Services or Products using automated or robotic means (without our prior express permission in writing which shall include email notification of permission, if given) or attempt to access data you do not have permission to access or that is unlawful to access .

We can remove or restrict access to content that is in violation of the above restrictions, laws and provisions in these Terms and/or in our Data and Privacy Policy or other policies.

If we remove content that you have shared in violation of our Terms of Service or Data and Privacy Policy, or the law, without limitation, we’ll let you know and explain any options you have to request another review, unless you seriously or repeatedly violate these Terms of Service or our Data and Privacy Policy or other policies, if doing so may expose us or others to legal liability; harm our community of users; compromise or interfere with the integrity or operation of any of our Platforms, Services, Systems or Products; where we are restricted due to technical limitations; or where we are prohibited from doing so for legal and/or safety reasons.

To help support our community, we encourage you to report content or conduct that you believe violates your rights (including civil rights, intellectual property rights, other laws) or our Terms of Service, or our Data and Privacy Policy, or other Omnknown policies and/or rules, or state and/or federal laws.

3. The following are permissions you give us by posting notices, subscribing to get alerts of notices and ads of other postings of a type, or to follow someone or an entity, and by using the Platforms, Products and Services of Omnknown and the following are the permissions from you we require for your use of our Platforms, Products and Services:

  1. Permission for Omnknown to use content you create and share e.g., as part of a notice posting or ad; s ome content that you share or upload, such as photos or videos, may be protected by intellectual property laws, privacy laws, etc., in which case you give Omnknown a limited nonexclusive license for use on Omnkown as more specifically detailed below.

You affirm by using it on Omnknown, the intellectual property rights (things like copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and share on Omnknown and the other Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services you use are licensed to Omnknown as more specifically described in the next paragraph. Nothing in these Terms takes away the rights you have to your own content subject to the limited nonexclusive license granted Omnknown to use your content on its site. You are free to share your content with anyone else, wherever you want.

Specifically, when you share, post, or upload content that is covered by intellectual property rights on or in connection with the posting of notices on Omnknown’s Platforms, Products and/or Services, you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content (consistent with your privacy and other settings). This means, for example, that if you share a photo on Omnknown, you give us permission to store, copy, and share it with others (again, consistent with your settings) such as service providers that support our service or other Omnknown Platforms, Products and Services you use. This license will end the sooner of when your content is deleted from our systems or for as long as Omnknown exists as an e-commerce website.

You can delete content individually or all at once by deleting your account. Elsewhere on Omnknown you can learn about how to delete your account. You can download a copy of your data at any time before deleting your account.

When you delete content, it’s no longer visible to other users, however it may continue to exist elsewhere on our systems where:

  • immediate deletion is not possible due to technical limitations (in which case, your content will be deleted within a maximum of 90 days from when you delete it);

  • your content has been used by others in accordance with the limited license you hereby give to Omnknown for use on its site and they have not deleted it (in which case this license will continue to apply until that content is deleted); or

  • where immediate deletion would restrict our ability to:

  • investigate or identify illegal activity or violations of our terms and policies (for example, to identify or investigate misuse of our Platforms, Products or Services);

  • comply with a legal obligation, such as the preservation of evidence; or

  • comply with a subpoena or request of a judicial or administrative authority, law enforcement or a state or federal government agency,

such that in any of the above cases, the content will be retained for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it has been retained (the exact duration will vary on a case-by-case basis).

In each of the above cases, this license from user to Omnknown will continue until the content has been fully deleted.

  1. Permission to use your name, profile picture, if any (a picture is not required for use),and information about your actions with notices, ads and sponsored content: You give us permission to use your name and profile picture, if any (pictures are not required for use) and information about actions you have taken on Omnknown next to or in connection with ads, offers, and other sponsored content that we display across our Platforms, Products and Services, without any compensation to you. Ads like this can be seen only by people who have your permission to see the actions you've taken on Omnknown but this permission requirement does not cover users and their searches of the notice postings, ads or other postings by you, or your business and/or your organization on Omnknown, but apply only to ads.

  1. Permission to update software you use or download: If you download or use our software, you give us permission to proactively download and install updates to the software when and where available.

  1. Limits on using our intellectual property:

If you use content covered by intellectual property rights that we have and make available in or on our Platforms, Products and/or Services (for example, images, designs, videos, or sounds, without limitation, that we provide that you add to content you create or share on Omnknown), we retain and reserve all rights to that content (but not yours) . You can only use Omnknown’s patents (if any), copyrights or trademarks or other brand identifiers as expressly permitted by Omnknown in an advance with our prior written permission (email communicated permission will suffice). You must obtain our written permission (or permission under an open source license) to modify, create derivative works of, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract source code from any Omnknown Platform, Product and/or Service or system, without limitation.

4. Additional Service Provisions, Notice or Ad Poster, and User Obligations and Guidelines, and Omnknown Rights

1. Updating Omnknown Terms

We work constantly to improve our Services and develop new features to make our Products better for you and our community. As a result, we may need to update these Terms from time to time to accurately reflect our Services and practices. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you before we make changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use our Products.

We hope that you will continue using our Products, but if you do not agree to our updated Terms and no longer want to be a part of the Omnknown community, you can delete your account at any time but the posting payment for any notice you have paid for that has already posted will not be refunded because you delete your account and the same is true of any subscription payments you have made to the date of the deletion of your account.

2. Account suspension or termination

We want Omnknown to be a place where people feel welcome and safe to express themselves through their notices, ads, etc. If we determine that you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly breached our Terms of Service, or Data and Privacy Policy, or other Omnknown policies, including in particular our the Omnknown Community Standards, we may suspend or permanently disable access to your account. We may also suspend or disable your account if you repeatedly infringe other people’s intellectual property rights or where we are required to do so for legal reasons, e.g., you or your organization has broken laws, without limitation.

Where we take such action we’ll let you know and explain any options you have to request a review, unless doing so may expose us or others to legal liability; harm our community of users; compromise or interfere with the integrity or operation of any of our Platforms, Products, Services, and/or systems; or where we are restricted due to technical limitations; or where we are prohibited from doing so for legal reasons.

You can contact us through the website if you believe your account has been disabled or if you think we have disabled your account by mistake.

If you delete or we disable your account, these Terms shall terminate as an agreement between you and us, but the following provisions will remain in place: 3, 4.2-4.5.

  1. Limits on liability for Omnknown

We work hard to provide the best Products we can and to specify clear guidelines for everyone who uses them. Our Platforms, Products, Services, systems and software, without limitation, however, are provided "as is," and we make no guarantees that they always will be safe, secure, or error-free, or that they will function properly without disruptions, delays, or imperfections. To the fullest extent not prohibited by any applicable laws, OMNKNOWN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. We do not control nor direct IN ADVANCE what people and others post, do or say, and we are not responsible for their actions or conduct (whether online or offline) nor are we responsible for any content they share (including offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful, libelous, defamatory and other objectionable content, without limitation). Furthermore, Omnknown cannot predict when issues might arise with our Platforms, Products, Services, systems and software, without limitation .

Accordingly, you agree by coming on the Omnkown website, using it it (searching its contents), opening an account, posting a notice or ad, subscribing for alerts, or any other activity on or with the website, that Omnknown’s liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and under no circumstance will Omnknown be liable to you or your business or organization for any lost profits, revenues, information, or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or incidental or any other manner of damages arising out of or related to these Terms of Service, or our Data and Privacy Policy, or relating to the Omnknown Platforms, Products, Services, systems, and/or software even if once and as we have been advised of the possibility of problems and/or such damages. You agree by using Omnknown’s website and its Platforms, Products, Services, systems, and software, without limitation, that the aggregate liability arising out of or relating to the above-mentioned Omnknown website features will not exceed the greater of $100 or the amount you have paid us in the past twelve months prior to any incident about which you or your organization complains.

  1. Disputes and Their Resolution

Omnknown tries to provide clear rules so that we can limit or hopefully avoid disputes between you (as an individual, business or organizational user, notice poster or subscriber) and Omnknown including Omnknown,com and, LLC (in this “Disputes” section as in the rest of these Terms of Service, collectively “Omnknown”). If a dispute does arise, however, it's useful to know up front where it can be resolved and what laws will apply.

For any Claim(s), cause(s) of action, petition(s) or complaint(s) for damages and/or injunctive relief, or disputes of any nature that you individually or your business or organization have against Omnknown that arises out of or relates to these Terms of Service or the Omnknown Platforms, Services, and/or Products, systems and software, without limitation (in this “Disputes” section collectively "Claim(s)"), but expressly not for claims relating to the Data and Privacy Policy (see the terms of the Data and Privacy Policy for the means of dispute resolution mechanism for data and privacy issues relating to Omnknown for which specifically see Omnknown’s Data and Privacy Policy “Dispute Resolution” section), you agree that any Claim(s) relating to the Omnknown Terms of Service and any other matter except a claim relating to Omnknown’s Data and Privacy Policy, including privacy parts of that policy and the issues related thereto, which has a separate dispute resolution mechanism provided in that Data and Privacy Policy) will be resolved exclusively in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division, or a Texas state court located in Travis County, Texas. You, as a user, notice or ad poster, and/or subscriber (individual, business or organization) also agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of either or both of the above courts located in Travis County, Texas for the purpose of litigating any such Claim(s), and you as a user, notice or ad poster, and/or subscriber (individual, business or organization) agree that the laws of the State of Texas will govern these Terms and/or the relationship between any user, subscriber, notice poster or person or entity claiming by through or under a user, subscriber or notice poster, and any Claim, without regard to applicable conflict of law provisions.

5. Other

  1. These Terms of Service, which incorporates legally by this reference Omnknown’s Data (including privacy) Policy, Commercial Terms, and all of the content contained in the Omnknown links shown herein, without limitation, make up the entire agreement between you and, LLC regarding your use of Omnknown’s Platforms, Platforms, Products and Services, without limitation. They supersede any prior agreements, if any.

  1. Some of the Platforms, Products and Services Omnknown offers are also governed by supplemental terms. If you use any of those Services or Products, you are thereby agreeing to such supplemental terms and by your use those supplemental terms will become part of our agreement with you. For instance, if you access or use our Platforms, Services or Products for commercial or business purposes, such as buying ads, selling services or products, developing apps, managing a group or page for your business, or using our measurement or analytical Services, you must agree to our If you post music with a notice, if that becomes available as a posting feature through Omnknown, or share content containing music. To the extent any supplemental terms conflict with these Terms of Service, the supplemental terms shall govern to the extent of the conflict.

  1. If any portion of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect. If we fail to enforce any of these Terms of Service or our Data and Privacy Policy, it will not be considered a waiver of Omnknown’s rights to later enforce these Terms of Service, its Data and Privacy Policy or its rights. Any amendment to or waiver of these Terms must be made in writing (an email from us will constitute a writing as well) and signed (an official email from us shall constitute a signature by Omnknown) by us.

  1. You will not and cannot legally transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms of Services or our Data and Privacy Policy to anyone else without Omnknown’s express written consent (including email as a writing).

  1. You may designate a person (called a legacy contact) to manage your account if it is memorialized. Only your legacy contact or a person who you have identified in a valid will or similar document expressing clear consent to disclose your content upon death or incapacity will be able to seek from Omnknown, after your passing, the disclosure from your account after it is memorialized.

  1. These Terms do not confer any third-party beneficiary rights to Omnknown account holders, posters, subscribers or site users. All of Omnknown’s rights and obligations under these Terms of Service, and the Data and Privacy Policy, are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.

  1. You should know that we may need to change the username for your account in certain circumstances (for example, if someone else claims the username and it appears unrelated to the name you use in everyday life).

  1. We always appreciate your feedback and other suggestions or improvements about our Platforms, Products and Services, systems and software, etc. But you should know that we may use them without any restriction or obligation to compensate you, and we are under no obligation to keep them confidential.

  1. Omnknown reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in Omnknown’s Terms of Service, and Data and Privacy Policy, etc. without limitation.

Latest Date of Revision : 2.21.20

Omnknown™ Accepted and Prohibited Practices

Omnknown™ is committed to developing and maintaining a friendly and useful online community, where users of all backgrounds feel comfortable. When you use the Omnknown™ platforms, services, products and systems, post notices, search for notices on the site and subscribe to follow the notices of certain persons and entities, or categories, without limitation, users thereby join our notice community, and thereby they agree to abide by these rules. Repeated violations of these standards may result in a notice poster/user/subscriber being barred from entry or participation in the community and from using the platforms, services, products and systems of Omnknown ™.

Acceptable behavior for Omnknown user/subscriber participation:

1. Respect others’ posts and advertisements (unless they violate these criteria in which case they should be reported) - We all have opinions and want to express them but in reviewing any post or ad, if you do, address content and ideas, not people, races, religious preferences, sexual preferences, politics, etc. Abusive comments will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to remove comments or reviews without warning and/or ban you.

2. Don’t promote or sell your goods unless it is in the context of a notice to sell something. If you want to post a notice or advertise on Omnknown™, our platform for posting notices and advertising is ideal.

3. Do not post illegal or sexually oriented notices or ads: Omnknown will not tolerate the posting of notices about or ads for prostitution, sex trafficking, human trafficking, or the posting of sexually explicit photos or video clips, or ads for the sale of controlled substances, banned animals or animal parts, illegal guns and/or munitions or armaments, etc.

4. No trolling - You know the type - the ones that like to post disruptive posts or advertisements in an effort to bait, irritate and cause disruption and mayhem. Don’t feed the trolls and take the bait. Report them and move on.

5. Be kind to new users - As you were once a new user, be kind and helpful to the new folks who are posting on Omnknown. New users may make mistakes as we all do but with them be especially forgiving.

6. Do not use profanity, racial or gender slurs, hate speech and/or sexual innuendos and explicit references in notices or ads. If it cannot be said in polite speech with your kids or relatives, then don’t use it.

7. Don’t abuse the “report abuse” - Be fair and use this reporting function only when you encounter truly abusive, offensive or illegal content and activities. If you repeatedly make extra work for us flagging non-offensive content, we’ll remove your permissions and/or ban you from using the Omnknown™ site and its functionalities .

8. No piracy or unlawful activities – The Omnknown website is a place for ideas and constructive participation, and not a place to violate any laws or to discuss let alone foment illegal activities. If you post offensive content, we will ban your account and you run the risk of being reported to the local authorities.

10. No flaming – Flaming is not being respectful of others. Resist the urge to flame, and be respectful and objective. If you flame, we’ll torch your account.

General rules of conduct

You are prohibited from posting on Omnknown™ platforms, services, systems and forums, if any, any Content which (a) is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, hateful, abusive, harassing or threatening, (b) contains viruses, malware, ransomware, or other contaminating or destructive features, (c) violates the rights of others, such as Content which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity, (d) pornographic material, postings involving nude or sexual photos, human and/or sex trafficking and/or prostitution; (e) advertizes the sale of any item that is illegal, e.g. but without limitation, protected exotic pets and species and species body parts, illegal guns or armaments and weapons, bootleg CDs and DVDs that violate IP rights; and/or (f) otherwise violates any applicable law.

Preferred practices on Omnknown - These will help gain you respect, generate good karma and enhance your experience with other Omnknown™ notice posters, users and subscribers, without limitation:

1. Be clear in your notice postings and any messaging – Be clear and concise in the notice postings, and in any messaging you undertake.

2. Comments or reviews, if any, should be civil and constructive - If you disagree with the content of a posting or ad, be judicious about reporting your perception of abuse to Omnknown (run it by someone else to see if they agree) and when commenting, focus your criticism on the offensive content, not on personalities, nationalities, religious preferences, sexual orientation, racial background, or political preference, etc.

3. Don’t use all caps - it’s considered SHOUTING, and makes you look unhinged.

4. Build your identity (reputation/brand) – You build or teardown your personal brand and reputation through the quality of your posts and ads and in the same way you build or teardown your organization’s reputation in the same way. Be thoughtful, helpful, objective, clear, understandable and courteous, and that good karma will come back to benefit you, your organization and their reputations.

5. Exhibit humility and don’t be an obnoxious know-it-all - There is ALWAYS someone who knows more than you do. Wise persons are more aware than others of how little they know and exhibit humility and patience in listening to others and their ideas and opinions.

6. Use of gratuitous superlatives is discouraged - Don’t use superlatives such as “best,” “greatest,” “finest,” “unique in the world,” and the like unless such an adjective is matched with hard, objective, facts and reviews, or state that it’s just your opinion. If you violate this in ads you might be sued for deceptive trade practices.